5S is what we value as our basic factory concept. It comes from the first letter of the following words: seiri (organization), seiton (order), seisou (cleaning), seiketsu (sanitariness), and shitsuke (discipline).
Akagi Nyugyo launched a 5S committee, led by our company president, that carries out activities on a daily basis to ensure thorough implementation of the 5S ideals. In addition to sanitation management similar to the level of pharmaceutical companies, our product control and environmental measures feature the latest equipment and systems. What Akagi Nyugyo values above all else, however, are the morals of our staff persons—and so we actively carry out employee education, along with initiatives to increase their motivation.
The concepts of showing, seeing and appreciating encapsulate our hope that visiting customers will get to know Akagi Nyugyo’s Honjo-Senbon Sakura 5S Factory in a completely transparent manner.
Due to our strengthened interest in food safety and security, we have created a visitors’ tour not only for our product manufacturing factories, but also for our examination room, where we have installed a window through which visitors may observe our quality inspection process.
The silver of our factory represents water, while the blue stands for the image of GariGarikun. Because GariGarikun features numerous fruit flavors, we have planted palm trees in order to provide a tropical feel to the premises. When driving along national route 254, visitors are also welcomed by a large sign featuring the image of GariGarikun.
Our factories feature numerous GariGarikun-themed goods. In addition to our product safety and security, come appreciate all that Akagi Nyugyo’s factories have to offer, including our fun spirit and our smiling staff!
All products are inspected by X-ray detector in order to ensure adherence to safety.
Factory utilities are inspected via centralized monitoring. Individual security systems within an overall traceability system are monitored in batches.
An IC chip is positioned against a reader in order to permit entrance to the sanitary area, thereby strengthening sanitary security.